Project Description

Another blast from the past that is still being maintained, we have a web service where you can provide your PDF documents and we can pre-fill them from customer information stored in a database. Initially tailored towards manufactured home dealerships, we provided a tool for dealerships to integrate into their own website – a secure credit application form that would store their details into their hosted database. Potential buyers could visit the website on their PC/laptop/tablet/smartphone and submit an application for a home loan in less than two minutes.

From there, the dealer would continue to add information about the sale (home, fees, financing) and be able to review and generate a complete PDF set of legal documents necessary to complete the sale of a manufactured home in Texas, with all of the home/loan/customer information all populated in the correct places.

A client could use the state/federal forms already provided and maintained by the site, and/or they could provide their own documents that could be integrated into their account for a small fee. For a process that normally takes anywhere from hours to days when done manually, within a few minutes our clients could keep the potential buyer at the dealership while they quickly generated the documents. Now armed with a full customer database, we also offered mail/e-mail marketing services that could be sent to their existing application pool based on whatever criteria provided. Have a new loan program that a previously denied customer would definitely qualify for? Only want the marketing material sent if they are above a certain credit score? Maybe send out an automatic reminder to the new homeowner when their warranty is about to expire?